- Summer pet ice matBonide Revenge® Horse & Stable Fly Spray RTU 32 oz.

Title 32 oz.

Excellent, long lasting control of bedbugs. Great for travelers who want to protect their luggage from insect "pick-up" at hotels. Also kills lice, fleas, ticks, clothes moths, carpet beetles, and pantry pests. Perform surface spraying to control cockroaches, water bugs, palmetto bugs, scorpions, millipedes, centipedes, sow bugs, pill bugs, ants, silverfish, firebrats, spiders, crickets, clover mites, cheese mites, granary weevils, rice weevils, confused flour beetles, rust red flour beetles, drugstore beetle, meal worms, grain mites, and cadelles.

Kills bed bugs for up to 4 weeks
Use on mattresses, bed joints, baseboards, mouldings and carpets
Kills on contact
Non-staining and waterbased
Ready-to-use Quart (32 oz) Spray bottle

PROTECTS ANIMALS - This water-based formula protects horses, beef & dairy cattle, goats, sheep, swine, poultry, & dogs. It can be sprayed directly on livestock when used as directed.
BUG KILLER - Our product controls horn flies, face flies, house flies, horse flies, fruit flies, stable flies, & deer flies. It also controls species of mosquito, gnat, poultry lice, mite, flea, tick, cockroach, spider, cricket, ant, & more.
INDOOR & OUTDOOR USE - Horse & Stable Fly Spray can be used indoors for spot applications only. Outdoor applications include lawn & soil treatment & around building foundations to prevent insect infestations.
LONG-LASTING RESULTS - Horse & Stable Fly Spray's fast-acting formula will keep working up to 4 weeks.
READY TO USE - This product is conveniently ready to use when it arrives. The spray nozzle makes this product easy to deploy.